pring is here and summer is just around the corner. This is our favorite time of year at Channel Islands Whale Watching.

As the last of the North bound Gray Whales meander through our region, we begin to set our sights offshore as our SeaFari season begins.

Often we are asked what is a SeaFari Tour? A Seafari Tour is like an African Safari on the water.

Imagine heading offshore for a few hours and ending up in an area so pristine, so far removed from the hustle and bustle of Southern California. An area so undisturbed, that wild animals colonize, rare birds migrate to, and the largest animal ever to have lived still roams.

These are the Channel Islands, and a SeaFari Tour focuses on the wildlife that calls these islands and their waters home.

Observe massive pods of Dolphin as they search for food in the channels depths.

Sea Lions colonize upon the shores of these isolated islands.

Sea birds both rare and endangered are identified and observed.

Unparelled vistas leave us wanting to return time and time again as we view the raw and unspoiled beauty of these Channel Islands.

Your SeaFari Tour takes you on a non-landing tour of the rugged North Shore of Anacapa where wildlife abounds.

Spring is filled with surprises on each and every transit as the Channel Islands have become a global destination to observe wildlife.

A photographer’s paradise. Both experienced and novice alike will find unlimited opportunities to practice your passion on these excursions. Whether landscape or wildlife, a SeaFari Tour will provide you with endless potential to capture that perfect image.

Often referred to as the Galapagos of the Northern Hemisphere, the Channel Islands offer the visitor a unique glimpse back in time as this area has remained unchanged, undisturbed for thousands of years.
Come take the adventure.
Come take a SeaFari!
Captain Frank
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